Friday, August 22, 2008

About Me

First of all, thank you for reading this.  I'm assuming you're a friend, a family member, or most likely, both.  Otherwise, I'm flattered that you're here but can't quite fathom why.  

But in case you don't know who I am, I'm Henry Gruber.  I'm eighteen, and I hail from Santa Monica, CA.  I like baseball, politics, and unfortunately have picked the perennially heart breaking Philadelphia Phillies and the equally soul crushing Democratic Party to root for.  My happier addiction, however, is food.  Especially Chinese food, Thai food, Mexican food, Barbecue, Italian food, biscuits and gravy, and more recently French food.  

I'm writing this, however, not because I think anything I would do is interesting-- it's because tomorrow, August 23, I'm going to the Democratic convention in Denver and I've been told not many people will be blogging about it.  So I decided to try.

That's me, guys.  Thanks for reading.

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