Monday, August 25, 2008

No Time For Michelle Right Now

She gets her own post.  All I have to say about that right now is that my first night at the actual Convention was amazing.  I said it several times to several people at several points during the festivities, but I'll say it again here: the one thing i don't like about Barack is that he married Michelle before I could.  But seriously, I actually do disagree with Barack on a lot of things.

Just not on how cool his wife is.

Anyway, I'll start out by saying that I had one of the finest meals I've had in a long time at an environmentally friendly restaurant called Ted's Montana Grill.  They specialize in bison, which is one of my favorite meats, second only to pork.  Or possibly duck.  But bison, especially good bison, has an almost indescribable richness of flavor that beef can rarely match.  I had a bison burger.  It was good.  It came with french fries.  They were some of the best I've ever eaten.

And I don't say that lightly


So it's late here, I'm exhausted, and I can barely type.  So I'll just put up some cool pictures now and write it all up tomorrow.  I'm sure there will be enough prognosticating in the next few days to keep you all busy, so I feel like I can wait until the morning


And finally, all of us decked out in our gear:


Unknown said...

Hi Henry! Just to let you know your blog is being read throughout Santa Monica, at least! Thanks for all the news. I feel like I have my own representative at the convention.


diamondqueen said...

Henry, your blog is being read in Seattle as well. (painful, I must admit to see that bee-yoo-ti-ful bison burger and not get to bite into it) Personally, I'm thrilled to see you there in Denver because I am hoping that your generation will come riding in -- like the cavalry -- to save America at the critical moment. So keep eating those bison burgers and give us the details that the MSM is leaving us hungry for!